Build Once, Reference Forever: Why Great API Docs Are Worth Every Penny


When tech companies build APIs, they often view documentation as an afterthought—a necessary evil to be handled once the “real work” of coding is complete. This perspective couldn’t be further from the truth. In our experience working with companies of all sizes, API documentation typically represents 20-30% of the total cost of an API program. The question isn’t whether to invest in documentation, but rather: “How do you measure the return on this significant investment?”

The True Cost of Poor Documentation

Consider this scenario: A developer is trying to integrate your API. They hit a roadblock because the documentation is unclear about authentication requirements. Unable to find the answer in your docs, they open a support ticket. This seemingly simple interaction sets off a costly chain of events:

  1. The support ticket gets routed to your development team because there’s no dedicated API support resource
  2. A senior developer stops their current project to investigate
  3. After spending time understanding and resolving the issue, they respond to the ticket
  4. The developer finally gets unstuck and continues their integration

This single interaction has multiple hidden costs:

  • Direct salary costs of the developer handling support
  • Opportunity cost of pulling that developer away from core product development
  • Delayed project timelines due to context switching
  • Risk to your product roadmap as resources are diverted
  • Potential customer frustration and damaged reputation

Calculating Documentation ROI

Let’s break this down into a tangible formula:

Monthly Documentation Support Cost = (Monthly Support Tickets × Average Resolution Time × Developer Hourly Rate)

For example, if you receive 50 documentation-related tickets per month, each taking an average of 45 minutes to resolve, and your developers’ time is valued at $150/hour, you’re looking at: 50 × 0.75 hours × $150 = $5,625 per month in direct support costs alone

This doesn’t even account for the opportunity costs of delayed projects or the impact on developer satisfaction—both for your team and your API consumers.

Measuring Documentation Effectiveness

When we partner with companies to improve their API documentation and support infrastructure, we track several key metrics:

  1. Developer Signup & Onboarding Success Rate
  2. Time to First Hello World
  3. Time to Production Integration
  4. Support Ticket Volume
  5. Documentation Usage Patterns

These metrics provide a clear before-and-after picture of documentation effectiveness. More importantly, they translate directly to business value: faster integration times mean customers start getting value sooner, while reduced support tickets free up your development team to focus on innovation.

Development team focusing on innovation.

The Strategic Investment Perspective

Quality API documentation isn’t just a cost center—it’s a strategic investment in your developer experience. Well-documented APIs:

  • Accelerate customer onboarding
  • Reduce support burden on your development team
  • Improve developer satisfaction and adoption
  • Protect your product roadmap by keeping developers focused on core tasks
  • Create a competitive advantage in the market


The question isn’t whether comprehensive API documentation is worth the investment—it’s whether you can afford the hidden costs of poor documentation. By treating documentation as a core part of your API strategy and measuring its effectiveness, you can turn what many view as a necessary expense into a powerful driver of developer success and operational efficiency.

When evaluating your API documentation strategy, consider not just the immediate cost of creating documentation, but the long-term impact on your development team, customer success, and business goals. The right investment in documentation today can save multiples of that cost in support and development resources tomorrow. If you’re looking for more content on API documentation, check out our article on the: Do’s and Don’ts of API Documentation.

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